Florian Grosset
FlorianĀ Grosset is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. His research interests are in Development Economics, with a primary focus on Labor and Environmental issues. A general theme in his work is how labor supply decisions in lower-income settings are driven by social and environmental factors. He usually approaches these questions by combining field work and applied microeconometric techniques. In recent work, he shows that pressure to share income with others distorts labor supply decisions, among factory workers in Cote d'Ivoire. Currently, he studies how network-based hiring affects job seekers' take-up decisions and productivity; and how the economic damages from weather shocks can propagate through workers' social networks. He holds an M.A. from the Paris School of Economics, and B.A.s from Sciences Po and the University of Lorraine.
His CV and further information are available on hisĀ personal website.